The LALSRM 8 Spot is getting ready to get back underway after a light supper on the night run in September of 2009. A very fine
running Engine that is well maintained we help to support. Come out and see the LALSRM Steam Crew run Her on any given Weekend
or Special Run.
Recent News
Some of our customers equipment at LALSRM in September 2009 on a special night run. We can support Steam, Electric, Gas Hydraulic Locomotives. We can also support Liquid, Solid and Gaseous Fueled Steam Locomotives as well.
Live Steam Supplies Co.
Customers Equipment & Fun
Please send us your pictures so we may post them on our web site. Please contact Steam Engineering at livesteamsupplies@gmail.com
Our Electric Locomomotive with our Chief Engineer at the Controls as well as Gary Bakers new Water Wheel. Gary had help and
we just wanted to know if it were the Gnomes?
One of the many Gnomes that have been spotted around the LALSRM at Griffith Park.
Our New Electric Locomotive Steamie